James Collins Walker

James Collins Walker

Jeff Davis County 1936-1947

Sheriff James Collins “Jim” Walker

James Collins “Jim” Walker was born July 17, 1886 in Victoria, Texas and died August 20, 1960 in Fort Davis, Texas.

Walker was granted a Mexican passport for his work in road construction during the 1920’s throughout Mexico, where he constructed roads from the interior of Mexico to Juarez. His work brought him to the Fort Davis area in then late 1920’s through the 1930’s, during the Great
Depression years, where he became involved in local construction jobs as well as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). One of the projects involved the building of the Scenic Loop Highway through the Davis Mountains, which is still used and enjoyed by travelers today.

While living and working in Fort Davis, he became a Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff Jessie Sproul, and then ran against her to secure the position as Jeff Davis County Sheriff in 1936. He then served two four-year terms.

Sheriff Walker was considered by some to be a “colorful person in both spoken word and action.” According to a local account, in 1946 he engaged in a fistfight with the Jeff Davis District Attorney in the town square, that resulted “in bloody
noses and injured pride.” Both men left their posts at election time following this incident.

Sheriff Walker was married to Genevieve “Tootie” Murphy Walker.

James Collins Walker

James Collins Walker photo courtesy of Walker family

Genevieve "Tootie" Murphy Walker

Genevieve “Tootie” Murphy Walker photo courtesy of Carl C. Williams collection